How to clean leather gloves at home

Stylish and high-quality gloves can add shine to any look, becoming the “cherry on the cake.” They also play an important role in the cold season, protecting the delicate skin of the hands from the effects of wind and low temperatures. Regular touching of contaminated surfaces negatively affects the appearance of the accessory. There are several recommendations on how to clean leather gloves at home.

Stylish warm accessories

Accessories are a beautiful part of the look. Gloves help not only for beauty, but also to protect your hands from wind and cold - a very beautiful and necessary attribute of the wardrobe, which should be not only stylish, but also clean. Properly selected gloves, clean and well-maintained, not only protect the hands, but also emphasize the style of the owner.

Currently, various haberdashery and clothing manufacturers offer fashionistas a simply huge selection of such accessories. You can choose stylish products for almost every occasion, as the materials used are different: from thin knitwear to thick but soft leather with lining. According to stylists, genuine leather products will continue to be fashionable in the new season and you need to know how to clean leather gloves at home.


A bag is a favorite accessory for the vast majority of women. We wear some all the time, others from time to time, and we save some expensive models for special occasions.

Everyday storage of bags has its own characteristics. them hanging - this will lead to stretching, folds of the leather, cracks and abrasions on the strap. A good quality bag organizer is a great solution. In dense fabric pockets, the leather product is not subject to deformation, breathes, and is protected from dust and sunlight.

The ideal solution, if space allows, is to store each leather bag in its own separate case, this will preserve the quality of the leather for a long time.

If you rarely use the bag, to preserve its shape, fill it with paper or newspapers, place it in a fabric bag that will protect the product from dust, and only then place it in a box, hanging case or case. The best cover for a bag is made of canvas.

Cleaning Recommendations

It should immediately be noted that interaction of leather gloves with water is not allowed. To avoid having to throw things away, read the tips below before cleaning.


  1. Leather items are of high quality, but expensive, so cleaning from dirt should be carried out at the first sign of contamination. Do not run the product so that it can only be disposed of or purchased new. Everything must be done on time!
  2. If you are not sure that you can handle the contamination yourself, take your gloves to the dry cleaner. But remember that not everywhere there are good professionals who can cope with skin pollution.
  3. Do not wash gloves in a washing machine, as this will deform the item beyond recognition. Clean only the surface of the product!
  4. Never iron leather items! High temperature causes deformation.

This method is suitable for all skin types. Take your gloves and shake them. Put one glove on your hand first, and then get to work.

Follow these steps:

  1. Dampen the item with a soft soapy sponge.
  2. Rub the surface.
  3. Immediately remove the remaining solution along with any dirt using a slightly damp sponge or cloth. The material must not be completely wet!

Is it possible to wash them at home?

“Genuine leather should not be wet.”
This myth can often be found on the Internet. In fact, this can and should be done if you do not want to wear dirty gloves. Pay attention to the following nuance. Leather is a flexible and elastic material . When exposed to moisture, it stretches even more and is more susceptible to deformation, so the gloves will have to be carefully washed and dried. Washing should be done quickly ; there is no need to soak the gloves in hot water for several hours, otherwise after such manipulations you will definitely have to say goodbye to them.

Important! Before washing, look at the label on the product: it usually indicates how to wash or clean the gloves. If the label is missing, do a small test: wet the least visible area of ​​the glove: if the leather behaves normally, that is, it does not stretch or shrink excessively, you can wash the entire pair.

Basic care methods

Some people frequently take items to the dry cleaner in an attempt to remove dirt, stains, or other contaminants. All this happens because they do not know how to care for leather gloves at home.

Some home care rules:

  1. Choose a suitable detergent, such as dishwashing liquid, that will not damage leather gloves, dilute thoroughly in warm water. Take a soft cloth - it could be flannel or cotton pads.
  2. Place one item on your hand. The solution forms a soft foam; you need to lubricate the dirty surface with it.
  3. Use a soft cloth or dampened pad to wipe the surface of the leather, changing the material as often as possible. When all stains have disappeared, the surface needs to be dried.
  4. Also soften the other glove, put it on and clean it.

Cleaning gloves: dark, light and multi-colored leather

If the products are made of dark leather, then the cleaning method is slightly different from the similar procedure for light-colored gloves. Also, put one glove on your hand first and start the cleaning process with the other.

The easiest way to clean dark leather gloves:

  1. Soak a soft sponge in soapy water or washing powder solution.
  2. Rub the surface of the material.
  3. Rinse off the dirt with warm water.

Many people do not know at all how to clean white leather gloves. Light skin is much more difficult to cleanse and requires a very delicate approach. You also need to put the product on one hand and get to work.

To cope with this task without the help of specialists , follow these steps:

  1. Beat 1 egg into a thick foam.
  2. Lubricate the entire surface of the skin.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Wipe off any remaining mixture.

The cleaning process for gloves of different shades will be the same as for dark ones. You should take a cotton pad or cloth, soak it in the cleaning solution and rub the material to remove dirt.

For this you will need the following substances:

  • 3 tbsp. l. vinegar per 1 liter of warm water;
  • ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:4;
  • gasoline 1:2 for very difficult stains.

Proper drying

Wet accessories should always dry on a horizontal surface located away from heating devices . The only exception is drying on a mannequin. You cannot use a hair dryer on your skin. It becomes deformed due to drying out. By placing the gloves on a soft terry towel or wrapping them, you can naturally speed up the process a little. When dry, straighten and smooth the skin with your hands . Then be sure to treat with a softening compound.

Folk remedies

Leather accessories require careful care, because dust and dirt negatively affect expensive products. If ordinary cleaning does not help, then traditional methods will come to the rescue.

Take what you have in your home:

  1. Milk. Take some milk and dampen a cloth or cotton pad. Milk perfectly removes dirt and fat that accumulate in the skin. After cleaning the product on your hand, dry it.
  2. Lemon juice. Just cut the product and rub your gloves with a slice of lemon: it perfectly removes dirt and dust. Lemon juice has a whitening effect. Therefore, do not be afraid to clean light-colored gloves with it.
  3. Onion. Cut off the onion and rub away any dirt. After this treatment it washes off well, but then you need to wash off the smell with clean water.

Sometimes gloves lose their original color. They can be updated using simple methods.

To return the color to your gloves, you can use 2 methods:

  1. Crumb of bread. It must be soaked in water (for light shades - in milk), and the item must be treated with the mixture. After 10-15 minutes, remove the entire mixture and wash with clean water.
  2. Restorative spray paint. Use this option when you cannot get rid of various stains. Be confident in the quality of the paint, read the manufacturer's instructions when processing the material.

Suede gloves always look fashionable, fit harmoniously into almost any look, and retain heat better than leather.

To clean suede gloves without compromising their functionality and appearance, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. If you wear suede regularly, greasy formations will soon appear in the pile areas. Therefore, the surface must be systematically treated with sandpaper of the maximum degree of softness or a special rubber brush.
  2. Dark suede stains are cleaned with a crust of bread and salt. The problem areas are rubbed with the selected product and gently removed along with the soaked dirt.
  3. Caring for white suede requires regular cleaning with an alcohol solution. A tablespoon of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are diluted in a glass of warm water. Treat the surface with the resulting mixture and wipe with a dry cloth after half an hour. As soon as the item is dry, the hairs are combed.
  4. In the case of colored suede, the best option is to use special stain removers.


Spring is over and you don't plan to wear this stylish accessory in the coming months? To pack leather gloves for the summer, you need to perform the following manipulations with them:

  1. clean;
  2. soften;
  3. wrap for storage.

Surface dirt is removed with a hard bristle brush. Deep cleaning is carried out with chemical compounds or using a soap solution: gloves are put on and the movements characteristic of washing hands are made. Lemon juice with added milk is used to treat old stains. After this, the product is cleaned with a damp cloth and dried.

They soften the skin with creams, sprays and mousses, which are sold in the leather care department. If you are not satisfied with the price of branded products, use Vaseline or olive oil. You can soften leather material with a colorless wax-based shoe cream. A small amount of talc is poured inside, distributed over the entire surface, and excess is removed by shaking out. A cardboard stencil is placed in each finger.

Then the gloves are wrapped in paper and placed in a box. Cover the top tightly with a lid. If the lining is made of wool, or the gloves have decorative elements with fur, add a moth repellent to the box. Otherwise, in the spring you will be left without your favorite item of clothing - the harmful insect penetrates into the most inaccessible places.

You will receive the product in the same form in which it was packaged before the summer season if you meet the following storage conditions:

  1. room temperature not higher than 22 degrees;
  2. low air humidity.

Storage prohibited:

  1. in outdoor conditions (in a storage room at the dacha);
  2. in a dirty or damp condition;
  3. in plastic bags;
  4. under direct sunlight;
  5. next to heating devices.

Internal cleaning

This method quite effectively and quickly removes most of the contaminants from the inside. Leather and suede gloves need to be cleaned frequently. After all, dirt accumulates on the lining during wearing no less than on the outside.

There are several ways to do this cleaning:

  1. Gloves without any lining. Turn them inside out and wipe them with a swab soaked in a solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Dry after cleaning.
  2. Gloves with fabric lining. If the dirt on the lining is fragile, just clean the fabric with a damp brush, if there is a lot of dirt, then use a gentle washing method. The main thing is to minimize the amount of water used. Less is better. Dry upside down, away from heat sources.
  3. Fur-lined gloves. Use any dry cleaning method. The easiest and most effective way is to sprinkle talc on the fur and rub the product until it is clean. After finishing the procedure, clean the fur with a brush.

How to update the lining?

The inside of the product also needs cleaning. A glove turned inside out can be renewed with a damp brush if the stains are minor, or by gentle hand washing for more significant changes. Water is used very limitedly. It is better to dry the glove wrapped in a terry towel .
You can use the dry cleaning method using talc: pour it inside, knead it with your hands until the entire inner surface is completely treated, then turn the glove inside out and use a clothes brush to scrub off the talc that has absorbed dirt.

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