Sheep wool blanket and pillows: pros and cons, care, reviews

Today, sheep wool filler is one of the most popular. Since ancient times, people have used animal wool for household purposes.

Wool bedding has a high level of comfort. Merino wool (a breed of sheep) is used as filling; they are bred for this purpose in Australia and China. Wool, although it wears out faster than synthetic filler, does not accumulate static electricity and does not contain toxic substances.

Medicinal properties

Doctors agreed that sheep's pillow has medicinal properties. And all because sheep hair is very elastic and is able to repel dust - it does not have the opportunity to collect in the product. In this, the sheep pillow is a leader among others - filled with down and feathers. For this reason, those who often experience allergic attacks, especially at night, caused by dust, purchase such pillows, relieving themselves of the problem.

The therapeutic benefit of sheep filler also lies in the fact that animal fibers produce lanolin, a special natural wax. It is known to everyone who takes care of their skin and is included in many cosmetic products. Woolen fabric also contains this natural gift, and even in a dream the procedure of rejuvenation and healing occurs.

If a cold has started, the temperature has risen, then the properties of wool will demonstrate another unique quality - they will warm you with dry heat. This property will be beneficial in the fight against inflammation, bronchitis, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The pillow can also be applied to the upper part of the spine, to the legs, and to all parts of the body, as it can dull the pain caused by radiculitis or osteochondrosis. The pillow also warms those who constantly feel cold. That is why it is often bought for older people.

But children will also benefit from sheep wool bedding. By warming and creating a cozy microclimate, they will be able to protect themselves from colds; parents will not worry that the pillow will become electrified and create discomfort.

When should you put off buying a pillow?

Some properties of the pillow may make you wonder whether it will be beneficial. Limitations may include the following:

  1. If a person is susceptible to allergies caused by organic sources. A sheep's pillow consists of just such, and although dust practically does not accumulate in it, it can become an allergen due to its natural origin. It may happen that the body reacts negatively to the substances with which the fleece is processed.
  2. With very active use, the wool filling begins to pill over time - after a year and a half. Of course, all the useful qualities are necessarily preserved, but the product itself is slightly deformed, which affects more comfortable support while resting the head and shoulders.
  3. If you want to purchase an orthopedic pillow, then a sheep pillow will not be suitable for these purposes. Although it has springy qualities, it is quite soft and does not have such properties.

how to choose a pillow for sleeping


The cost of the pillow depends on the material from which the pillowcase is made and the percentage of sheep wool.

A pillow filled with wool in a standard size 50x70 or 70x70, with a satin bedspread will cost from 700 to 1,400 rubles. A cotton napkin costs about 800 rubles. The price of a microfiber bedding is about 1000 rubles. Two-chamber ones made of mixed material can be bought for 500-1000 rubles, depending on the percentage of wool and synthetic material (polyester). Nests can also be made of natural or synthetic fabrics.

Customer Reviews

Positive consumer reviews speak in favor of wool filler. It's not too hot in the summer, but it warms you up nicely on cold winter nights. Soft and elastic pillows always remain dry.

Negative consumer reviews are aimed at the fragility of this filler. It requires careful care; the wool must be dried and aired a couple of times a year. In addition, such pillows do not have an orthopedic effect.

In the comments to the product, some complain about the unpleasant smell. The smell indicates improper processing, or it is not the wool stated on the label at all, but a fake.

The high price also deters some buyers. There are two-chamber models or mixed ones, which are cheaper. Such products will last longer and will not lose their shape and elasticity.

Use as a filler

Sheep wool is an insulation material used to fill pillows and closed blankets. When purchasing any of these, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the outer fabric. It’s good if it’s smooth, even, and has no streaks or snags. Even, tight seams without protruding threads are also a sign of a quality product. Ideally, there should be no punctures on the fabric, even from a needle.

A high-quality blanket ─ soft and elastic. Seals, lumps and internal irregularities are not detected in it. The filler layers are thermally bonded. The quilting stage allows the homogeneous fabric not to bunch up or tear.

Positive sides

Pros of sheep wool:


Zakharova Nina Afanasyevna

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