Simple and effective ways to quickly remove sweat stains from underarms

Even expensive modern deodorant can leave a visible mark on clothes. You can remove traces with your own hands in different ways.

We invite you to explore all the available options on how to remove deodorant stains under your arms. We will describe a list of products that will help you remove deodorant marks and the smell of sweat from things.

What you need to know to remove sweat stains from underarms

First of all, it is important to imagine the characteristics of the spots, which is why they appear. Yellow stains are caused by a chemical reaction between the aluminum in antiperspirant and the salts and proteins in your sweat.

The best way to get rid of this problem is to stop using antiperspirant. If this is not possible, apply the product only to dry, clean skin, always let it dry before getting dressed, and wear blouses and shirts with loose armholes (especially, this is now a fashion trend if complemented by a fitted silhouette).

Fighting old pollution

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to promptly apply one of the above methods for removing stains from sweating. The item dries out, which strongly binds sweat into the fibers of the fabric.

You can wash a blouse, shirt or sweater if you first soak the item in water with bleach or powder. After this, begin to use one of the following methods for getting rid of stains “with a history.”

Aspirin + hydrogen peroxide

A mixture of a teaspoon of water and two crushed aspirin tablets is applied to the previously soaked item, after which it is returned to water with bleach for 3 hours. After this time, the clothes are lightly washed. Separately mix water with hydrogen peroxide (proportion 10:1). The resulting solution wets the stains. Another 10 minutes and the clothes can be washed. A labor-intensive but reliable way to get rid of stains.

Soda with vinegar

Removing stains using this method is not as difficult as in the previous version, but no less effective. The first stage is preparing vinegar water for soaking. 2 tbsp. l. vinegar are diluted in five liters of water. Before soaking, the stains are rubbed with a paste of soda (4 tablespoons) and water (1 glass). The item is left for one hour, after which it is washed in the usual way.

Precautions and prohibitions

The main thing is to start acting as quickly as possible, but taking into account the characteristics of the product, so as not to make things worse:

  • do not use bleach or other chlorine bleaches, otherwise the stains will only become more noticeable;
  • Boiling is used only as a last resort: if the method does not help remove stains, they will be imprinted even deeper into the fibers. An iron will do the same, so before ironing, you need to make sure that the stains are completely removed;
  • any product should be tested on internal seams or other inconspicuous areas of fabric;
  • It is best to dry clean expensive items made from delicate fabrics;
  • All traces can be completely removed from white clothes only in the early stages.

A few tips and warnings

To effectively get rid of stains caused by sweating, without damaging the fabric, you should remember a few simple rules:

  • Bleach should not contain chlorine. This chemical reacts with proteins in sweat, causing the fabric to darken. Such contaminants are extremely difficult to remove.
  • Violent rubbing of fabric coated with stain remover will cause color loss and compromise integrity.
  • Acetic acid cannot be used for silk acetate products.

Removing stains depending on the type of fabric

Type of material and washing methods:

  • Natural fabrics: linen, cotton . The basic method of removing stains is soaking with laundry soap. After lightly rubbing, you can put the item in the washing machine. For stubborn stains, we'll look at the options below.
  • Delicate fabrics: wool, silk, acetate, viscose . To get rid of yellow spots, use laundry soap, salt, and hydrogen peroxide. Glycerin has proven itself well. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to remove stubborn stains from natural fibers, so if you delay the decision, you will have to be content with only minor lightening.
  • Synthetics . Usually it is from such things that it is easiest to remove dirt. Smooth fibers do not absorb sweat compounds as deeply, which makes it easier to wash off antiperspirant stains.
  • On jeans . Salt is used here - it works well for rough things of any color: light, black and colored.
  • Lace on lingerie . For these delicate parts, baking soda is a panacea. This is a natural deodorizing cleaner.

Why is discharge difficult to wash off?

Sweat has one unpleasant feature - it eats deeply into the fabric, which makes it difficult to remove stains from clothes and remove unpleasant odors. You can protect dresses, shirts and sweaters from stains using special replaceable liners. But they limit freedom of movement, forcing a person to refuse, for example, the use of upper handrails in transport.

Sweat not only eats into clothes, but also mixes with fat and bacteria that are constantly present on the surface of the skin. Stains that form under the arms are the most difficult to remove due to the greatest causticity and intensity of the discharge. Such characteristics are a consequence of the influence of the composition:

  • 15% proteins, fats,
  • 85% water.

It is this cocktail that makes removing stains that form on the lower back, stomach, and under the arms extremely difficult.

How to use improvised means

There are dozens of different ways to remove yellow spots under your arms. If the effect is not too pronounced, then you should rinse the item thoroughly and apply another product.

Hydrogen peroxide

An indispensable item for removing stains from sweat or antiperspirant. You can simply apply it to the stain, wait 30 minutes and rinse with water, then wash as usual. Peroxide is also ideal for those cases when an item that has been sitting for a long time acquires a yellowish tint. In this case, we follow the instructions:

  1. Dilute peroxide in water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. per glass.
  2. Soak for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash as usual.

Peroxide perfectly removes odor and yellowness from sweat. This is a gentle bleach for all types of light-colored fabrics.

Ammonia and aspirin

To give your T-shirt a fresh look and remove sweat and antiperspirant stains, just use the usual products:

  1. Dilute 1 tsp. ammonia in 100 ml of water.
  2. Apply the solution to the stain.
  3. Crush several aspirin tablets into powder and dilute in a small amount of water.
  4. Lightly wring out the shirt and apply a mixture of aspirin and water to the stain.

As a result, we get the effect of dry cleaning at home.

Laundry soap

The best way to remove sweat stains, especially if they are fresh. Suitable for light and dark things:

  1. Wet the cloth.
  2. Rub the stain with laundry soap.
  3. After 15 minutes, put it in the washing machine.

If contamination cannot be resolved, then the issue can be resolved by boiling. Pay attention to the label: not all things can withstand high temperatures.

Soda and table salt

Two products that are always on hand and cost pennies . They remove yellowness perfectly, but they have slight differences.


  1. Sprinkle contaminated areas, lightly moistening them with water.
  2. Leave for 12 hours.
  3. Scrub with an old toothbrush.


  • Dissolve in water to form a thick paste.
  • Apply to fabric and leave until completely dry.
  • Clean with a brush.

After washing, not only the disappearance of stains is noted, but also a refreshment of color. The thing is like new again.

Acetic acid

It cannot be applied to white things, otherwise yellowed stains will remain after drying. It will be quite difficult to remove them. But vinegar very effectively corrodes the substances formed during the reaction of sweat and antiperspirant. After use, the smell of sweat goes away and a feeling of freshness remains. You can use it to remove old stains:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in 9% vinegar.
  2. Wipe the cloth with it and leave overnight.
  3. Wash as usual.

Lemon acid

They use both freshly squeezed juice and dry acid, which can be purchased in the seasoning department:

  1. Squeeze lemon juice or dilute 1/3 tsp. citric acid crystals in 4 tbsp. l. water.
  2. Apply to stain.
  3. Wash after 15 minutes.

This product deodorizes and refreshes, so it is widely used if unpleasant odors appear in the closet during storage. The next time you wash, squeeze out the lemon juice and add it to the drum.

Dishwashing liquid

To combat sweat stains, especially old ones, gels containing glycerin are used. It is thanks to this that the stains dissolve. Please note that only transparent products can be used for light-colored items:

  1. Apply a thick layer of gel to the stain.
  2. Leave for an hour.
  3. Wash the product as usual.


The most radical way to solve the problem. You need to take only highly purified gasoline, otherwise it will be difficult to hide, wash off or remove the smell:

  1. Wipe the contaminated areas with a moistened swab.
  2. Wash in warm water.
  3. Place in the washing machine.

other methods

Both citric acid and fresh citrus juice help remove sweat stains from a shirt. Dilute 1 tsp in a glass of water. acid, then the product is poured onto the stain. Stains can also be wiped off with lemon juice and then washed.

To remove yellowness from silk, you need to purchase crystalline hyposulfite, sold at the pharmacy. The crystals are diluted in a glass of water, after which the fabric is wiped with the solution. At the end of the procedure, the item should be washed by hand.

Since it is not always possible to wash yellowed armpits immediately after stains appear, it makes sense to use strong stain removers. For example, a combination of ammonia and white spirit in equal proportions allows you to remove old stains.

In addition, boiling with persalt helps - 1 measuring cap of the product is required per liter of water. It takes about half an hour to boil the thing. Professional bleaches “Vanish” and “Bos” also remove stains, but you should carefully read the composition and choose chemistry without chlorine and other aggressive compounds.

It is not difficult to remove sweat stains on clothes using home methods if the stains are still fresh. The task becomes more complicated with ingrained dirt, but in this case, recipes with ammonia, acid and aspirin can help. It is important to follow safety precautions during the procedure: wear gloves and rinse the skin with cool water if the prepared product gets on it. Prepared solutions should be kept away from children and pets.

How to remove armpit sweat stains using household chemicals

There are a number of professional tools that guarantee a solution to the problem. The following products have been developed to combat sweat stains:

  1. Frau Schmidt. This wonderful Austrian remedy will help deal with stains of all kinds, including deodorant stains under the arms. Strong, but at the same time gentle towards things and hands.
  2. Vanish. One of the most popular stain removers. Sold in any store, the price is reasonable.
  3. Amway Pre Wash. A real assistant for the housewife. Deodorant stains are a simple task for him. The only negative is that it cannot be found on the open market; you need to specially order it from distributors.
  4. Beckmann. A stain remover spray that is designed specifically to combat this type of stain. Suitable for any type of fabric.

There are many ways to combat yellow stains from sweat on white things. It’s worth trying several options to find one that’s convenient and effective for you.

We fight for the cleanliness of the collar and cuffs

Sweating stains can be found not only in the armpits and waist area. People who sweat profusely notice spots on their collars and cuffs. Due to the density of pollution, it must be dealt with in a special way.

One of the proven options is treatment with table vinegar. A cotton pad or piece of fabric is moistened with a small amount of liquid, and then the collar is treated. To avoid damage to the product, it is recommended to immediately test it in an inconspicuous area. After treatment, clothes are washed as usual.

A mixture of ammonia, salt and water (proportions 4:1:4) applied to a sponge or tampon is also suitable. It must be left for 10 minutes and then washed.

Simple tips will help you get rid of even old stains left by sweat on your favorite things.

Is it possible to prevent stains from forming?

In order not to encounter such a problem as how to remove sweat stains on white clothes, you should take care to prevent their occurrence of yellow spots. To do this, use our tips:

  1. Deodorant should be applied to dry and clean skin. Next, you need to wait until it is completely dry, and only then put on clothes. Otherwise, you will have to wash deodorant stains from your clothes.
  2. To prevent the appearance of yellow marks, it is recommended to use burnt alum. You can buy them at any pharmacy in the form of a powder that will “suck” moisture into itself.
  3. Maintaining good hygiene plays an important role. You need to shower regularly and wash your armpits separately even more often. To care for your body, you should choose the right product.

By preventing the appearance of sweat marks, you can get rid of this problem. There are many ways to remove sweat stains from clothes. When choosing the appropriate option, it is important to consider the nature of the stains, as well as the type of material on which they formed. All methods are easy to use and affordable.

Important Tips

  • Do not use chlorine; it will darken sweat-contaminated areas and make it impossible to remove them.
  • Do not wash soiled items in hot water. This procedure will only increase the durability of the stain.
  • Before applying any substance to the material, test its effect on a small area of ​​​​the laundry.
  • All products should be applied from the inside of clothing. Why? To avoid streaks near the contaminated area.
  • Acetate silk does not tolerate acetic acid.
  • If you rub the stain too hard, you will damage the paint and ruin the color of the laundry.
  • Silk and wool do not like alkali.

A little effort, almost no expenses and your favorite things are saved!

How to get rid of yellow spots if they are fresh

If it is necessary to remove fresh traces of sweat, then the product is immediately soaked for three hours in a solution prepared from crushed laundry soap, after which it is washed. There are other proven techniques.


Antipyatin soap is more effective. They carefully rub the pre-moistened contaminated areas with it. Place the product in a plastic bag and wait an hour. Wash off soap stains with a stream of water and wash the item.

Hydrogen peroxide

Having discovered a fresh trace of sweat, remove it with hydrogen peroxide. The item is first immersed in a solution of five liters of warm water and two tablespoons of washing powder. After five minutes, lay it out on the sink and pour peroxide over the yellowness. A characteristic hiss will indicate that the reaction has begun. Half an hour is enough for cleansing. You can try to avoid soaking by immediately saturating the stain with peroxide. For silk fabric, peroxide is diluted with water (15 ml of the drug per 250 ml of water).


Before removing the sweat mark using aspirin, keep the product in soapy water for five minutes. Then two standard aspirin tablets are dissolved in 200 ml of heated water. Moisten the yellow mark generously. After waiting two hours, the product is rinsed and the result is checked. The stain has disappeared - the item is washed. If the yellowness remains, repeat the treatment, only this time two tablets are ground, pouring a tablespoon of water. The paste-like mass is applied to the contamination for a quarter of an hour.

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Dry fuel

Dry fuel tablets remove traces of sweat from dense fabric. One tablet is ground to a powder and distributed over the pre-moistened contaminated area. Wash when the yellowness disappears completely.

You can mix a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent with a tablespoon of baking soda. Rub the mixture into the stain with a brush. After four hours, the thoroughly rinsed item is sent to the wash.


If there are a couple of marks that cannot be washed off due to the fluid secreted by the subcutaneous glands, Urotropin will cope with this problem perfectly. It is necessary to start getting rid of marks immediately after they appear.

How to remove sweat from clothes:

  1. Initially, you need to thoroughly wash the armpit area with laundry soap.
  2. After which you can lubricate the contaminated area with a cotton swab dipped in the prepared solution.
  3. In the morning they carefully wash the item.

Formidone is used similarly to Hexamine.

Removing traces of sweat and odor from a jacket or coat

Why are these wardrobe items given a separate paragraph? Because it is not always possible to wash such large items completely. What should you do if something gets dirty and smells bad, but you need to put it on in the morning? The following product will help remove sweat marks on a jacket and coat without leaving streaks.

Take four parts water, one part ammonia and one part denatured alcohol. Mix the solution well and spread on the inside of each armpit (lining side). This composition will also remove unpleasant odors.


Ammonium hydroxide solution also works great for unsightly yellow marks under the arms. It can be used for any dark or light fabric.

Ammonia is used for both natural and silk fabrics, only the dosage of the product is changed.

How to remove yellow stains?

Getting rid of traces using ammonia:

  1. A glass of water is mixed with 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 tsp. salt. The mixture is applied with a soft brush. After 30 minutes, the product is washed.
  2. You can replace salt with denatured alcohol. Quantity - 1 tsp. The liquid is also applied to things and washed off after half an hour.

How to remove old traces? Ammonia can also solve this problem. Ammonia and gasoline will help remove yellow stains from sweat that have become embedded in the fibers.

First, the trace is thoroughly treated with gasoline, and then with a solution of ammonia. Particular attention should be paid to the contours; do not be afraid and rub them more actively. After the stain has disappeared, wash the clothes and hang them to dry in fresh air to remove any unpleasant odors.

How to remove sweat marks from black clothes

  • Salt. This method is even suitable for silk. It is recommended to mix one teaspoon of salt with one glass of warm water. After pre-soaking laundry in a soapy solution (for 15 minutes), wring it out. Then you need to apply the saline solution to the stained areas of the fabric. After 15 minutes, rinse and wash things.
  • Ammonia. You can remove underarm stains by hand washing your underwear. To each liter of warm water you need to add 4 teaspoons of ammonia.
  • Laundry soap. This option is ideal for removing traces of sweat on woolen items. Fill a container with hot water and foam laundry soap in it. Rub the contaminated areas with a bar of soap and soak the laundry completely for an hour and a half. Then wash thoroughly so that no soapy streaks remain.

Causes of sweat stains on clothes

If the amount of moisture in your armpits is small, there is no need to worry. It’s enough just to buy a good deodorant and remove the consequences (stains) using the methods given in the article. If it is significant, this is a reason to consult a doctor. After all, if the problem is ignored in the initial stages, it can become chronic, which will require a significant investment of time and money to eliminate the consequences.

Before considering how to remove sweat stains under the arms, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the reasons for their occurrence:

  • excessive sensitivity of the nervous system;
  • sensitivity to adrenaline;
  • the presence of congenital diseases of the structure of the sweat glands;
  • presence of coloring chemicals in the body;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene standards;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • pancreatitis, hypoglycemia;
  • malaria;
  • tuberculosis.

If a person is healthy, his sweat has no color, i.e. it is transparent. If yellow spots appear, this is a clear sign of pathological changes in the body.

Features of working with different fabrics

White and colored items can be cleaned with aspirin. Do not use products containing chlorine on white clothes, otherwise the stains will become even more noticeable after washing. It is better to use hydrogen peroxide, ammonia or soda. Acetone should not be applied to colored items because it will corrode the paint, but vinegar or salt are allowed.

Light-colored cotton and linen fabrics can be treated with vinegar, while salt paste is suitable for dark fabrics.

Synthetic fabric can be washed with vinegar solution. Mix table vinegar with water in proportions of 1 to 4 and apply the solution to the stains for 15 minutes. Do not try to clean synthetic items with gasoline or substances that contain it, this will irrevocably damage the items.

Wool and knitwear are perfectly cleaned by vinegar, but alkaline solutions are prohibited for use.

Delicate fabrics can be washed perfectly with salt. An aspirin-based solution (two tablets in half a glass of water) can also help. They need to carefully process the material and leave it for 30 minutes. But acetic acid or acetone cannot be used, they can corrode the fabric.

Salt will help clean a leather jacket, tweed jacket or any other outerwear. Simply apply the paste onto the lining, wait until it is completely dry, remove the residue with a brush, and then wash with water.

Cleaning colored items

For colored products, there are slightly different cleaning conditions. Because bleach and methods for removing stains with peroxide, lemon, and soda can affect the shade of the fabric. Therefore, it is not advisable to use them.

But all of the above methods for cleaning white clothes with vinegar, salt, ammonia and laundry soap can also be used on colored fabrics.

There are some other recipes for homemade stain removers:

  1. Two crushed aspirin tablets and half a glass of cold water. Apply the composition to problem areas and leave for 2-3 hours.
  2. Combine white spirit and ammonia in a 2:1 ratio. Then pour onto the stains and leave for 90 minutes.
  3. Place one tablespoon of sodium hyposulfite (antichlorine) in a glass of water and stir thoroughly. Pour the liquid onto the problem area, hold it, and then wash well.

Advice! To prevent burns and rashes from appearing on the skin, you should wear rubber gloves before each procedure.

Baking soda

Baking soda is another good method of combating if the stains are old. It not only helps remove yellow stains, it is the best remedy for stubborn marks.

This food product is used to remove traces from wool, natural and synthetic fabrics.

Sweat stains under the arms - how to remove:

  1. You can get rid of such contaminants using this method: 4 tbsp. l. soda pour 50 ml of water. Using an old soft-bristled toothbrush, apply the mixture to problem areas. Wash after 90 minutes.
  2. To implement this method you will need liquid soap and salt. A tablespoon of baking soda is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. salt and add soap to obtain a mushy consistency. To completely remove yellow stains from sweat, apply the prepared mixture for half an hour. Finally, wash with regular powder.

These products can be used for products made from natural fabrics.

For silk and synthetics, the exposure time for soda is reduced to 15 minutes. The algorithm of action is the same. After the manipulation is completed, the item is washed in a machine on a delicate cycle.

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