A baby's crib must have protection such as sides. Only they are able to protect the child from drafts and impacts against hard bars. Moreover, you can make such sides yourself, using pattern diagrams and recommendations.
A bumper for a crib is an incredibly practical, and most importantly, necessary thing. This element allows you not only to protect your child from drafts and cold air, but also to soften the child’s impact on hard bars and other parts of the crib.
How to choose fabric for crib bumpers?
To protect such a crib, you need to have a fabric 4 meters long. Choose a dense but natural material that will not cause allergic reactions in the child. In any fabric store you can pick up:
- cotton
- calico
- linen
- chintz
- flannel
IMPORTANT: Before use, wash this fabric in a washing machine and thoroughly iron with steam. This is necessary because natural fabrics tend to shrink.
Types of bumpers for a baby crib
Each parent purchases crib bumpers based on their preferences. So, everyone has their own concept of “convenience” and therefore, there are several main types of barriers.
The most common type is the four-sided one, where all 4 sides of the crib are tightly protected around the perimeter, but the half-sided sides hide only the side parts. There are sides of different heights and methods of attaching to the crib: Velcro, ties or fasteners.
IMPORTANT: The fabric of the side also has a developmental function. As the baby grows up, he will certainly examine his environment, so the design on the fabric should not be too cluttered or “heavy.”
Reasons for need
The most important element of a baby’s sleeping place is the soft side of the crib. A newborn baby needs reliable protection from drafts, and a grown-up toddler needs safety. Starting to actively explore the world, kids explore the space available to them. Often they can get a bump on the hard surface of the crib walls. To protect the baby from a sudden fall, mothers acquire an indispensable attribute - a soft bumper. Additionally, the sides are designed to prevent curious arms and legs from sticking out between the twigs. As a result of such leprosy, dislocations and injuries often occur.
Sides made of fabric with an interesting pattern have a great advantage. The baby learns about the world by looking at fairy tales. Fabrics with owls are especially popular. Cute birds beckon the baby to play and take a sweet nap.
Soft fabric promotes tactile contact; by touching it, the baby develops motor skills. Another advantage of bumpers is the ability to quickly put the child to bed, because he will not be distracted by what is happening outside his cozy nest and will sooner fall asleep. But there is a double point here: the mother also cannot see the baby over the side. To avoid this, you can choose half sides or fender bumpers, which you can see in the photo below.
Patterns for sides for a baby crib. How much fabric do you need for the sides of the crib?
The process of making a side yourself is not complicated. For standard crib sizes, you will need fabric approximately 55 by 110 cm, as well as appropriate foam rubber. Following clear recommendations, every mother can create the perfect bumper for her baby’s crib.
- Measure the crib to study the dimensions in detail and correctly distribute the fabric for sewing the sides
- Transfer all measurements to a sheet of paper and draw the desired design of the side.
- Cut the fabric into patterns according to your measurements
- Using a sewing machine, stitch all the edges, leaving only one unstitched.
- Measure the foam rubber. Please note that its size should be half a cm smaller than the pattern
- Cut the foam and place it inside the pattern
- Sew edge 4 of each pattern.
- If necessary, decorate the side with ribbons, lace and sew ties
The following patterns will help you visually distribute all stages of work for yourself and understand the structure.
How to calculate the number of products and their sizes
There are recommendations regarding determining the parameter for 1 element depending on the type of soft fencing structure. This makes calculations and presentations easier for beginning needlewomen.
How to make calculations and make a choice:
- If the fence consists of pillows, then you need to make 2 pillows on the headboard and a symmetrical part of the bed. There can be 4-5 pillows on the sides.
- Classic sides consist of only 4 parts, so it is important to know only the length and width of the sides of the crib.
- If you make shaped products, then focus on the quantity and parameters on pillows.
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Size according to diagram
Much depends on the shape and dimensions of the sleeping place and crib. Therefore, you first need to take measurements, and only then ask the price for the quantity and size of each element of the soft furnishings. Take measurements from the crib. You need to write down the height, length and width parameters of each piece.
Which crib bumpers are best?
If you decide to make your own protection for your child’s crib, then you should definitely know about the positive and negative properties of each type. So, focusing on the pros and cons, you will decide which crib bumpers are better and which are worse.
- The high side of the crib has a clear advantage, as it effectively protects from drafts and prevents the baby from hitting a hard part. However, it blocks the entire view and the child is forced to observe only the inner area of the crib
- The low side opens up a wide view, giving the baby the opportunity to observe everything that is happening around, but does not prevent injury
- Protections made with fastenings in the form of locks, ties and especially Velcro can tear in situations when the baby reaches to stand up and pulls back the side. Therefore, the option with fasteners is the most reliable. If the side has locks, it will not allow itself to come off and hit the baby against the bars
- If you want to make a bumper with pockets, then a prerequisite is their presence on the outside of the crib. The internal arrangement will constantly attract the baby
- The material used is just as important. Synthetic materials can irritate the skin, so only natural fabrics are recommended. They will allow the product to withstand washing, dry quickly and not lose its shape.
Useful tips
Almost every expectant mother can sew borders made of cotton fabric and padding polyester into a baby crib thanks to the step-by-step instructions suggested above. Below are tips from experts on making your own crib bumpers:
- When choosing the fabric and design of the future product, it is worth using your imagination, because experiments with the color and shape of the sides have a positive effect on the development of the baby.
- Fastenings such as Velcro and ties often do not withstand the pressure of the baby, who pulls on the side, trying to get up in the crib. Therefore, it is advisable to sew overlays from a single piece of fabric. The edges that have not been finished can be folded. This way they will be in the middle. After this, one seam is sewn along at least part of the ties.
- You can use ordinary rectangles as patterns.
- Holofiber is one of the best fillers for sides, which does not lose its shape even with frequent washing.
Which filler to choose for baby crib bumpers?
Synthetic winterizer and foam rubber are far from the only options for filling the sides. The modern world has many options, different and with their own personal advantages. Namely:
- Foam rubber is a filler, but requires compliance with a number of conditions. For example, thorough and high-quality drying after washing. This material has the ability to retain moisture well, which promotes the development of microbes inside. Has strong wear resistance
- Synthetic winterizer is the best filler for children's bumpers. This material is also not expensive, lightweight, quite elastic, tolerates washing well and dries quickly. Its properties prevent the development of fungus. The main thing when making a side is to sew the padding polyester to prevent it from rolling
- Holofiber is a completely new material, superior in quality to padding polyester. It is completely non-toxic, does not retain moisture, dries quickly and retains its original shape. Thanks to its spiral structure, holofiber is very wear-resistant. Does not cause allergies
- Periotec is a bulky modern fiber. Its main advantage is hypoallergenicity. This is a very elastic synthetic filling material
- Hollcon is a synthetic material with incredible heat-resistant properties. Absolutely non-allergenic, elastic and wear-resistant
- Polyester is a hollow fiber. Has anti-allergenic properties. In no situation does it lose its original shape. Does not absorb water or odors
Product care
It is not recommended to sew the sides, as the product requires constant care at frequent intervals. What you need to do to keep the product clean:
- Washing is done at least once every 7 days. Only covers can be wet cleaned, and the base with the filler is well ventilated and dust is knocked out.
- After complete drying, double-sided ironing is carried out at high temperatures.
- In addition to washing, the product must be ventilated once a week.
Important! For washing, use only baby powders and fabric softeners.
Caring for soft sides
When choosing detergents, washing and ironing modes, you need to take into account recommendations related to the care of the type of fabric. The material may lose color, the texture may deteriorate, and defects may appear.
What beautiful bumpers can you sew into a baby crib with your own hands?
How to sew high sides for a crib?
- Make four patterns of 43 by 63 cm (3 cm is the indentation, i.e. 1.5 cm on each side)
- Make four patterns of 43 by 123 cm
- For ruffles, pieces of fabric up to 15 cm wide and up to 1 m 80 cm long are useful.
- Cut the filling (sintepon) according to the size of the pattern
- Prepare strips for frills in advance and iron them. Use your fingers to form folds on the patterns and, inserting the frill, sew three sides.
- Having inserted the padding polyester into the pattern, stitch the fourth side
- Sew ties to all parts of the sides
Wednesday, September 04, 2013 15:05 + in the quote book HOW TO SEW A BAND ON A CHILD'S CRIB. Author: Olga Dudoladova, based on the website Having visited many stores in order to buy a bumper for a crib of exactly the configuration I would like, and not finding one, I decided that it would be much easier and cheaper to sew such a bumper myself. In my model I could do everything I needed. This is what ended up happening. And now - detailed instructions for making a bumper with your own hands: You will need fabric - 5 - 5.5 m (width 110cm) and foam rubber - 2 m (width 150cm). The thickness of the foam rubber is 1 cm. The amount of fabric depends on its width. The fabric needs to be washed for it to shrink. Cut the fabric according to the PATTERN. In principle, I didn’t make a pattern - I just drew the crib’s measurements directly with a pencil on the fabric. I advise you to measure your crib first, as sizes may vary. Sew by sewing in the frill. You don't sew up one edge. You don't have to do the frill. And you can make it either from ribbon in color, or from the same fabric. Mark the foam rubber. I drew with a thin felt-tip pen. Cut it out. The size of the foam should be slightly smaller than the size of the fabric - about 0.5 cm on each side. Stuff the foam into the case. When I sewed the headboard in the first version, I cut out the entire foam rubber for the entire headboard. And then I got tired of putting it in the case and adjusting it to size. Therefore, in the second option, I cut the foam rubber vertically in half, and accordingly made a seam on the cover and it looked like two halves. For the same reasons, the solid sidewall is divided into 2 parts by a seam. In the first version, I left the side seams unsewn and realized that it was much easier not to sew the bottom - it was easier to stuff the foam rubber in. Sew up the bottom (what was not stitched). You can use a machine, but I sewed it by hand, since you can quickly rip it open and wash it at any time. Sew on ribbon ties. It is better if at this moment you already have a crib at hand so that you know exactly where to sew. But as a last resort, you can sew on the corners and in the middle. In addition to the whole side panel, I also sewed the same thing, but cut in half - two separate halves. You can put it in a crib, you can have 1 part on the side, the second as a second headboard, or you can just take it with you as a rug - in case your baby needs to be swaddled. Source: yamama.ru 1. How to sew bumpers/bumpers into a crib - master class, diagram, patterns, description. Author: Yulia Lisichkina Time: 10-12 hours Cost of materials: 400-500 rubles. Fabric: I chose calico fabric in the store at the Trekhgornaya Manufactory. They have a good selection of children's colors at very low prices. True, calico is a bit harsh for children's bedding, but for borders this is the best option - the fabric is smooth, has not faded, shrinkage is 5%. You will also need padding polyester and Velcro. The quantity depends on the thickness of the padding polyester and the size of your crib. The store also had baby calico with padding polyester already attached on one side - an excellent option that simplifies sewing the borders. Diagram and Patterns: Approximate diagram of the sides, designed for a crib with a berth 120x60cm. The pattern is given with allowances for seams and the volume of the sides (1cm for the sides, for other parts - 0.5cm): short side - 4 rectangles 43x64cm long side - 4 rectangles 38x126cm ties - 20 strips 7x53cm Velcro fasteners - 16 rectangles 7x10cm short ruffles - 2 strips 90x12 cm long ruffles - 2 strips 180x12 cm Description of work. Velcro: Mark the Velcro locations on the side patterns in accordance with the design of the crib. Fold each rectangle in half along the long side, stitch on both sides, turn it inside out, and iron it. Sew the soft half of the Velcro onto the fastener. Sew the prickly halves of Velcro onto the side. Fold in the fourth unsewn side of the fastener and sew along this side to the sides. Ties: Fold each rectangle in half along the long side, stitch on both sides, turn inside out, press. Ruffles: Fold each strip in half along the long side and gather the ruffle to the length of each side. Sides: Place the two patterns right sides together. Don't forget to add a ruffle and ties to the top side. Sew from the top and sides, turn inside out. Place a layer of padding polyester inside and stitch the bottom. You can stitch the padding polyester at the same time as the top ruffle, if the padding polyester is not very thick. Stepping back approximately 4 cm from the edge, make a seam around the perimeter of the entire side (blue line in the diagram). This will prevent the padding polyester from bunching up when washing. Source: blog “My Sunshine” on sunnymichael.blogspot.com Comment: Instead of padding polyester, you can use holofiber. This is almost the same as padding polyester, but Holofiber does not need to be quilted, it does not bunch up when washed. 1. 2. 3.
Side for a crib from Yulyasha Double side with a base made of synthetic padding, covered with white calico and a top colored cover. This design allows you to wash only the cover. In addition, several different beautiful covers can be sewn onto a padding polyester base. In the photo (from left to right): side, fastening in the center and side of the bed, patterns (click to enlarge). The dimensions of the crib are 60*120 cm. The height of the side is 30 cm. On the side where the baby’s head lies, the height is 45 cm. You will need: 1) thick padding polyester 180 cm long (usually it is 150 cm wide, that’s enough). 2) white calico with a width of at least 135 cm and a length of 235 cm. 3) colored calico with a width of at least 135 cm and a length of 235 cm. 4) Velcro, buttons, threads. If you want to make a side higher than 30 cm, then you need more fabric. All descriptions are given without seam allowances. From colored calico we cut 2 canvases each (make sure that the pattern on both canvases is upside down) see Fig. 1: 1) size 180*30 cm - part A 2) size 140*30 cm - part B 3 ) 60 cm long, at the top there is a semicircle, the extreme points of which are at a height of 30 cm, and the middle point is at a height of 45 cm. - part C 4) In addition, you need a long strip of fabric 7 cm wide (this is for frills, the long one should be strip) Fig. 2. — Part D Sequence of work: 1) Fold a 7 cm wide strip lengthwise with the front side up, make folds and stitch them at the bottom (from the cut edge). See Figure 2. 2) Sew parts A and B to part C on both sides. For each part C there is one part A and B. See fig. 3. 3) We fold our canvases with the right sides, put our frill inside, baste and sew. How to attach the edge of a strip. 4) Cut out 8 strips 6*20 cm and 8 strips 6*10 cm. Don’t forget to allow seams. Fold it in half lengthwise, fold the seams, sew, and attach Velcro 3 cm wide and 1.5-2 cm long to one end. See Fig. 4. 5) On one of the canvases we attach Velcro (long), on the other side - Velcro from Velcro. See fig. 3. 6) On the same canvas (on the outer side of the side) we attach Velcro from Velcro, next to one end we sew stripes (holders). At the same time, we sew long strips (20 cm long) to the place where the side is attached at the corners of the bed, and short strips (10 cm long) in the middle of the sides; with these strips we will attach the side to the bars of the crib. See fig. 5. 7) Turn the fabrics left side up, stitch the bottom and one side (at part B). On the side of part C, fold the edge, baste loops on one side and sew buttons on the other side. It looks like a pillowcase with a fastener on the side of side C. See fig. 6. We sew additional support tapes to throw over the top bar of the bed. Otherwise, the side shrinks and gathers at the bottom. In addition, you need to sew the side itself. The details are the same as the pillowcase, but you don't need the frill strip or the Velcro strip. We cut out one piece A, B and C from padding polyester. From white fabric (calico) we cut out two pieces A, B and C. We sew together the padding polyester parts. We sew a pillowcase from fabric, insert padding polyester into it, and sew up the edges. It is necessary to sew in several places on top of the pillowcase. It looks like a quilted blanket. This is the side itself. We put our colored pillowcase on top and attach it to the bed. Source: solnushki.ru Comment: It is inconvenient to stuff padding polyester sausage into a case. It would be easier to make the synthetic padding parts separate, then stuffing them into the case would be easier and faster. But this is only for those who are not too lazy to sew on a couple of extra buttons. Well, instead of padding polyester, you can use holofiber, it does not come off when washing. 1.
2. 3.
4. Bumper with embroidery for the crib. You will need 1 m of natural fabric for the outer and inner sides of the bumper, 1 m of padding polyester (quilted according to the pattern with the fabric of the outer side), Aida-14 canvas fabric according to the embroidery size (60*60 cm), DMS floss. Embroidery: As an option - a fragment of the design A Little Birdie told me... from Stoney Creek Description of work We cut out and stitch the canvas, do the embroidery. Next, we cut out the remaining parts and sew them together. From the fabric for the inside we cut out bias tape for facing (5 cm wide and 5.5 m long), we use it to cover the bumper around the perimeter, and 9 ties of 40 cm each, 4 cm wide. 1.
Stylized side made of toy cats-pillows. Zoom in with a mouse click. 1. 2. More photos for ideas: 1. 2.
4. 5. 6. 7.
9. 10.
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
20. 21.
22. New person kit. I’m showing you the beginning of a crib set for a little guy who’s still kicking around in his mother’s tummy. At the ultrasound they said the gender, but... There are all sorts of surprises, so we decided to choose a universal color scheme. I really like this combination (orange-light green-linen). It turns out bright, but not too much. This is not the entire set, there will be more items. As long as there is a cover, an adapter pillow and pockets. A flannelette blanket was placed inside the bedspread. Size 120*82 cm. The adapter pillow is quite long - 180 cm. Inside there is synthetic down. It is expected that it will be located along the edges of the crib, protecting the baby from encountering hard walls. Later, you can use it to limit the person’s field of activity on a large bed, sofa or on the floor. The size of the canvas with pockets is 60*70 cm. Inside there is padding polyester. According to the idea, the locomotive will be in tune with the large locomotive on the sides (which are in the plans). I made the pockets large, which in my opinion is more practical. They can hold diapers, toys, and books... Velcro fastening on top. There are 3 of them - they hold the entire structure. There are ties on the sides for extra support. 1.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
https://almuhametova.blogspot.ru/2012_03_01_archive.html Master class. Crib bumpers are not a fashion statement, they are a necessity. By putting the sides on the crib, you will ensure a restful sleep for your baby. He or she will feel very comfortable, cozy and warm. Sewing such sides is not at all difficult. You just need to measure the perimeter of the crib and buy the required amount of material. And so let's get started. What do we need to sew bumpers for a baby crib? 1. Fabric - calico. Having measured the perimeter of the crib, you can ask the fabric department to calculate the amount of material you need. 2. We also need quilted padding polyester. 3. White threads. First we will make a pattern and transfer it to the material. Our pattern consists of rectangles, these will be the parts for the large sides of the crib, and squares, these will be the parts for the smaller sides. We make the same details on padding polyester. Leave 2 centimeters for allowances and cut out all the details. After this, we cut out the details for the ruffles. To do this, we make them 15 centimeters wide and 15 centimeters long, the same length as the large side of the crib. Then we stitch them, folding them in half using a machine stitch. The line should not be frequent. Next, we tighten the ribbon, thus making ruffles. Now we fold, as shown in the photo, the fabric face to face, a ruffle between them, and a padding polyester on top. Thus, our padding polyester lies on the fabric from the inside out. Let's baste. We baste so that later we can sew it more conveniently. Next, we sew only the top and bottom of the sides on a machine. We turn it inside out and iron our parts. Then we sew the sides, which are smaller. The next step is to stitch all the pieces on the side. And after that, we measure out the ribbons to process the edges, and in order to connect parts 1,2,3 with each other. We cut off the ribbon, iron it. We attach it to the fabric with a pin. We sew it on a machine. At the end, we do it as shown in the photo, bend it and stitch it. We sew in the next part in the same way. Then we process the edges of the parts with tape. Thus, we should have two parts. One big one - consisting of parts 1,2,3. and one piece for the front side of the bed. When everything is done, we wash our product and iron it. This is important because we were making a little thing for kids. And this is what we got. 1.
2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
8. 9. 10.
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
https://masterclassy.ru/rukodelie/313-bortiki-svoimi-rukami.-master-klass.html Bedding set for a crib. Bumper. To sew a set consisting of a sheet, duvet cover, pillowcase, bumpers and a “pocket” you will need 7 m of fabric, 1.5 m wide. The set was sewn for a crib with a mattress 1 m 20 cm x 60 cm. Sheet Dimensions of the finished sheet 1, 84 m x 1.24 m (mattress hem - about 20 cm on each side) A piece of fabric measuring 1.85 m x 1.25 m is processed along the edges with an overlock (zig-zag seam), folded 0.5 cm and delay. Duvet cover I sewed a duvet cover based on the dimensions of the existing blanket 1.3 m x 1 m. To sew a duvet cover you will need 2 rectangular cuts with dimensions suitable for the existing blanket, plus 0.5 cm for the side seams, as well as plus 3 cm for edges with loops and buttons (see fig. Duvet cover) We process the edges with an overlock (zig-zag seam), fold 3 cm from one edge and stitch. We make buttonholes on one part of the duvet cover. Fold the duvet cover pieces right sides together and stitch around the perimeter, leaving one side unsewn. Sew on the buttons. Idea: Instead of buttons, you can use Velcro or a zipper. The pillowcase is sewn similarly to the duvet cover. Bumper. You can sew a “circular” bumper, the length of which is equal to the length of the crib along the perimeter. I sewed a separate bumper for each side of the crib. Dimensions of the finished bumper: 1.2 m x 0.25 m – 2 pcs. 0.62 m x 0.25 m – 2 pcs. Pockets are sewn onto one of the bumpers. Performance. Ties. Sew a strip 4 cm wide and 40 cm long so that the finished tie is 1.5 cm wide. Make a decorative stitch at a distance of a few millimeters from each edge. Fold the edges 0.5 cm and carefully sew with a zig-zag seam. In total you need to make 14 ties. Frill. You will need a strip 4 cm wide, which must be overlocked on one edge (zig-zag seam), folded and stitched (see photo 1). Next, we make markings at a distance of 2 cm. Connecting adjacent marks, fold folds and make a stitch (see . photo ). The finished frill must be ironed. see photo. Bumper. For a long bumper you will need 2 rectangular pieces of fabric measuring 1.2 m x 0.25 m. For a short bumper you will need 2 rectangular pieces of fabric measuring 0.62 m x 0.25 m. IMPORTANT: do not forget about the seam allowances of 1 cm each sides. On the rectangular part of the bumper, face to face, we fasten a strip of frill around the perimeter (see photo). We fasten the ties (see photo). For a short bumper, the ties are secured at a distance of ≥20 cm from each edge (2 pcs) (see Fig. Small bumper) For a long bumper, the ties are secured at a distance of every 30 cm, starting from the corner (5 pcs) (see Fig. Large bumper) On top, face to face, another rectangular bumper part is placed (see photo 6) and 1-2 layers of synthetic wool. It is necessary to sweep and stitch everything, leaving the bottom edge unsewn, through which we turn the bumper to the front side. The bumper must be carefully ironed, the bottom edge basted and a bias tape made from the same fabric applied. Bumper with pockets. You will need a strip of fabric 62 cm long and 14 cm wide (+ 1 cm seam allowance). Finish the top edge with an overlocker (zig-zag stitch), fold and stitch. Connect the bottom edge of the pocket blank to the bottom edge of the rectangular bumper blank, baste. Topstitch vertically at a distance of 20 cm from each edge (see Fig. Small bumper with pockets and photo 7). Next, assemble the bumper as described above. Finished bumper - photo. View of the crib with a ready-made set of bed linen - see photo. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. https://maminsite.ru/school.files/school9.html How to sew a bumper (protection) for a crib. The size of the bumper depends on your crib model. Dimensions of my bumper: 60 cm x 35 cm – 2 pcs., 120 cm x 35 cm – 2 pcs. Using these dimensions, it is necessary to cut out parts from foam rubber and fabric, not forgetting about 1 cm seam allowances on each side. Finish the edges of the fabric with a zigzag stitch. If you don’t have foam rubber (you can buy it in the furniture department of the Central Department Store), use padding polyester. Only in this case will it be necessary to additionally stitch the details in several places so that it does not download. Prepare 35-40 cm ties from satin ribbon, finishing the edges. A total of 25 ties need to be made. For decoration, I used a frill made of the same fabric, a lace ribbon, a border, and embroidery (you can use a ready-made applique). For the pocket you need a rectangular piece of fabric 40 cm x 25 cm and an elastic band. I used the same fabric, about 45 cm x 30 cm in size, as a background for embroidery so that the picture could be “read” well. Making the side (long) side of the bumper On the front side of the fabric, at a distance of 5 cm from the top edge, sew a lace ribbon, slightly seating it. Secure the ties. Place the fabric pieces right sides together. Sew around the perimeter, leaving 20 cm of the bottom edge unsewn. Make sure that the tie strips do not get caught in the stitching. Unscrew the bumper through it, put foam rubber inside, and stitch it shut. Making the back (short) side of the bumper Finish the edges of the pocket fabric. Fold the top edge inward by 1 cm, iron it, and insert an elastic band into it. Sew the elastic using a zigzag stitch. Attach a lace ribbon to the front of the pocket. Place the pocket on the front of the bumper. Sew it with a double stitch and divide it into 2 halves. Sew the bumper, inserting the ties, turn it inside out, insert foam rubber, sew up the hole. Making the front (short) side of the bumper Process the edges of a plain fabric, place it in the center of the bumper part, and stitch it. Decorate the top edge of the background with a frill. To do this, you will need a 4 cm wide strip of the same fabric as the entire bumper. Finish one edge of the strip, fold it over and stitch. Make marks every 2 cm. Connect adjacent marks, forming folds. Iron, make a line at a distance of 2-3 mm from the top edge. Connect the frill to the top edge of the background fabric and cover the seam with a satin border. The embroidery must be framed with a lace ribbon and attached with a double stitch to the front part of the bumper. Assemble the bumper as described above. Egorka liked looking at the patterns on the fabric of the bumper, touching the frills, and then untying the ties)) In the summer, when it was very hot, I removed the side parts of the bumper. And when it was 28-30 degrees in the room, I hung a wet diaper on the bed to keep him cool while the baby slept. Very effective. The diaper even dried completely while he slept. 1. 2. 3. 4. https://creative-ki.blogspot.ru/2010/09/blog-post_17.html Educational side-book for a crib. MASTER_CLASS. The master class will, of course, be of interest to those who have very small children nearby and who like to sew something for them. The idea of the border is 7 colors of the rainbow and 7 weather and natural phenomena: red sun, orange autumn leaves, yellow flower, green grass, blue raindrops, blue snowy sky, purple cloud. Length 175 cm, height 24. To get what I got, I needed: - 7 squares of different colors measuring 25 by 25 cm. I have fleece. - padding polyester, or a piece of fairly soft thick fabric for the insides, total size 175 by 25. - fabric for the back side of the side - ribbons: - for fastening (preferably stronger) - any color to match - for a green square, green of different thicknesses and shades - for the red square - red ones of different thicknesses - a couple of shreds of orange and yellow shades. - plastic stationery folder (white or blue) - rustling bag - beads, buttons, white beads - purple mesh fabric - threads, scissors, sewing machine. If you have everything you need, then everything is very simple and fast :) (all fabrics are pre-washed and ironed) In squares. Red. Cut out 2 circles of different diameters and ribbons for the rays. We fasten it. Sew it on. 2. Orange. We cut out different leaves from different fabrics of different shades and textures and sew them on. 3. Yellow. Cut out the shape of a petal from cardboard. We apply it to the scraps and trace them. We fold the 2 parts of the petal with the right sides inward, put the rustling bag down, and sew everything together. Turn it inside out. I only have 6 petals. We lay out the fleece circle as you like, in the middle, and sew only it. The petals can be bent and they rustle. 4. Green. As planned, this is green grass :) We lay out ribbons of different widths and shades (you can add different laces and all that), first we just sew them tightly. And decoratively cover the top with a strip of fleece. 5. Blue. Cut several holes in the shape of drops. We put a stationery folder under them, carefully fasten it all with pins (the folder is slippery and can wiggle), and sew it with a machine around the perimeter of the drops. 6. Blue. The simplest thing is a snowy night sky). We randomly sew on beads, beads, if there are buttons in the shape of snowflakes - generally great. We sew it very, very tightly! 7. Purple. Cut a hole in the shape of a cloud. Under it are a couple of layers of mesh, and another layer of purple fleece. I put a bead inside so that little fingers could touch it. We ended up with 7 squares with different tactile developmental elements. We sew them together in order. Now we need to finally assemble everything into a side. We cut the fabric for the outer side (I have blue gabardine) the same size as it turned out into 7 plots, approximately 175 by 25 cm. This may not be a single piece of fabric, but different flaps sewn together, or even other plots, then the side will be double-sided. The same size padding polyester, or a layer of soft thick fabric. You can do without this if the side is not a side, but just a toy-decoration. We fold the fabric and stitched plots right sides down (and don’t forget about the fastening ribbons), plus a layer of padding polyester. Sew, leaving an unsewn space for turning. Turn it inside out. Ready! We are looking for a place to hang it :) I hope that MK will not just be an instruction, but will inspire and suggest a lot of other ideas that you can implement for your kids. 1.
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https://master-klass.livejournal.com/589805.html Another master class: https://zigzagom.com/odezhda/detskaya-odezhda/pridannoe-dlya-malyisha/bortiki-dlya-detskoy-krovatki-svoimi- rukami.html Side for the nursery. Master Class. We will need: - a sewing machine - wide satin ribbons - scissors - threads in color - Fabric of 2 colors: I chose a cheerful IKEA calico 120X300cm and thick fleece 150X300cm (does not allow light to pass through and matches the interior in color) - the insides of an old side panel or padding polyester . We measure and cut each fabric, it should be on 4 sides of the bed: 120X60 fleece (2 pcs) + seam allowance of approximately 1 cm on each side 120X60- calico (2 pcs) + seam allowance of approximately 1 cm on each side 60X60- fleece ( 2 pcs) + seam allowance of approximately 1 cm on each side 60X60 - calico (2 pcs) + seam allowance of approximately 1 cm on each side But I only needed the sides 120X60 (the light does not fit on the side for the purpose of air circulation ). We apply calico and fleece according to the sizes. Do not forget that we apply the calico with the wrong side, because then we’ll turn it inside out (and the fleece doesn’t care, no matter how you turn it). We put ribbons of about 40 cm, folded in half, into the corners: And we stitch, leaving a space in the middle of the side for “shoving in” the filler (sintepon or old side). We turn it inside out and insert the filling. My side was sagging a little, so I had to rip it open and sew a pink ribbon into the middle of the top side. Good night and sweet dreams! I hope the master class will be useful! 12.
5. 6. 7. 8.
https://www.livemaster.ru/topic/92677-bortik-v-detskuyu-krovatku Sides, bumpers or protection (called by different names) for a crib. 1. The crib is very old (I didn’t bother with it for the younger one and bought a used one), you can throw it away later without regret and without thinking about what to do with it. The need for protection arose when he began to suddenly roll over onto his tummy and hit the crib. Just finished it for my son's birthday!!! We turned 5 months old today! 2. I sewed it from what I had. I only had to buy padding polyester. and improvise so that there is enough bright chintz... 3. I used old narrow orange curtains, at the end, where there are 2 pillowcase pockets. A few months ago I bought a small piece of chintz with Disney characters and it came in handy. It turned out to be 7 pockets, 4 in front, 2 at the end and 1 on the side. 4. It’s very convenient to put diapers, onesies and toys in your pockets—you don’t have to run far. 5. He really liked the bright drawings; he tried to grab them when he tried them on during the sewing process. But my son decided to update his old updated crib 6. So they marked it :))) I only have sewing knowledge from labor lessons at school, so I’m looking forward to comments from you, the craftswoman... 1.
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5. 6. https://stranamasterov.ru/node/152041 Cheat sheet Bumper Textbook. I made my bumper from 6 separate panels that tie together the space on the outside of the crib. The piping around the edges was the perfect finishing touch! And they are completely reversible, which I love so much! If the chevron gets too stimulating for my little guy I can just flip them around and yellow on the inside instead. I can't even tell you how much I LOVE this fabric!! I have a portable crib, but I also included the material requirements and measurements, standard crib sizes in parentheses.torqouise 1 1/4 Yards (2m) Chevron in Bermuda 1 1/4 Yards (2m) Bella Solids in Yellow 3/4 Yards (1 1/2 Yards) Bella Solids in Torquoise (for ties and piping) You also need beading/batting. I recovered, old kit. Mine were 8″ tall so add a little extra fabric if your pads are taller Cut the following Portable Crib Pieces: 2 panels in each fabric measuring 25 x 9″ (remember to add in height if your pads are taller) 4 panels in each fabric measuring 20 x 9″ For a standard Crib: 6 panels in each fabric measuring 27 x 9″ (be sure to adjust for your pad thickness and height and then add seam allowance) Either Size: 24 ties measuring 3 x 10″ (increase length to 16″ , if you want Bows instead of knots ) 1.5″ strips, cut into bias, bias. I ended up using about 7 meters total.1. Fold each tie piece in half with the long edge together. Sew along the long edge and created tapered points on one short side. Trim excess fabric 2. Turn to the right side and press flat. Repeat 2-3 times 3. Wrap your offset strips around a piece of cord and punch into place using your zipper foot. Sew as close to the pipes as possible. 4. Baste the length of the pipe to the top and bottom edge of each inside or outside panel. Baste your belts in place. You need 2 straps on each end. 5. Add a panel to the top of your 2nd fabric and stitch together to the right along the edge piping using your zipper foot. Leave a 4-6″ gap to include one short edge. 6. Turn to the right side and slide the bumper trim/batting inside. and then the hand sewing the opening closed. 1.
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https://www.naptimecrafters.com/2012/10/crib-bumper-tutorial.html Crib pockets. Initially, on the changing table, on a small spread, there was everything necessary for the baby: oil, cotton wool, cotton swabs, napkins, etc. The table is covered in layers: a blanket, oilcloth, a diaper - everything is clean and beautiful! But for some reason, after a week or two, it slowly began to grow: + another cream, now for diapers, + D-panthenol cream for diaper rash, + thin socks on top of the rompers, + warm socks so that the paws don’t freeze, + more some are so plush and fluffy, but you also need to find a place for the mittens, etc. and so on. I looked at all this disgrace and decided: I need to use the available space wisely, namely, sew pockets for all this wealth and hang them near the table on the edge of the crib, both beautifully and in some order! So, I take a newspaper, cut out a piece of the desired size, and attach it to the back of the crib. Next, I laid out on this piece everything that I wanted to put into pockets, i.e. not just several identical pockets, but for each item its own individual house of the required size, although I made a couple of pockets “just in case”, for unexpected “tenants”. For socks and mittens, voluminous pockets were needed (one of them subsequently contained cotton wool right in the jar), for a thermometer and creams, the pockets were narrow and long, and for scissors, a simple jumper was enough. To make all this splendor truly splendid, it was decided to decorate the pockets. I found the outline of such a cute hare somewhere on the Internet, adjusted it in Word to the size I needed, and printed it in several copies. Then I decorated each pocket separately, in layers: the main fabric, nylon (a piece of a bow from a happy childhood), and a piece of paper with a picture of a bunny, all held together in English. pins and stitched along the contour with a small zig-zag. I removed the paper and carefully cut off the excess fabric with nail scissors: in the main fabric - inside the outline, and the nylon - excess from the edges, so we got a transparent window. Some of the hares were caught by a piece of netting that was lying around. Some of the pockets were made from a wide nylon tape with a mesh pattern (from the same happy childhood), and a couple more from a thin and already ancient vest. The base is feather teak (it is dense and holds its shape well). I sewed strings on top and tied them to the bed, although it could have been attached to a wooden plank and hung on the wall. I present the result to your attention. I hope my experience will be useful to someone. Good luck with your crafts! 1. 2. https://www.u-mama.ru/read/article.php?id=5234 Pockets for the crib “Locomotive from Romashkov” author: Matryoshka Yesterday I finished this interesting order. These are pockets for the crib. Customer's idea. “The Engine from Romashkov” is Matvey’s favorite cartoon, who completely refuses to sleep in his crib. Tanya (the customer) came up with this idea in the hope that Matveyka would happily fall asleep with her favorite engine.) A mandatory condition is that the engine’s two eyes are visible. There are 7 pockets in total in the locomotive. The engine is blowing the whistle (there is a squeaker in the pipe). At the back of the engine there is a bell instead of a flashlight (like the original). Without even looking, I eyeballed the pockets, and when I tried them on, it turned out to be not even pockets, but pockets, exactly the size of a crib. There are 10 numbers on the carriages - we learn counting. There are pockets on the non-woven lining, a little padding in the pipe and wheels. Closer. There is a squeaker in the pipe. In the first carriage there are embroidered children. In the second carriage, instead of windows, there are three pockets for Matvey’s favorite little things. In the third carriage, the windows open, and animals hide behind them: a cat, a horse and a sheep. 1.
3. 4. 5. 6.
7. https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/anaxy/post251368540 Links to the master class: - caterpillar pocket - https://masterclassy.ru/shite/shite-igrushek/1490-bamper-karman-na- detskuyu-krovatku-gusenica-master-klass.html - educational pockets: https://masterclassy.ru/shite/shite-igrushek/1634-detskie-igrushki-svoimi-rukami-karmashki-razvayuschie-master-klass-s-poshagovymi -foto.html - pocket-train - https://masterclassy.ru/shite/shite-igrushek/1634-detskie-igrushki-svoimi-rukami-karmashki-razvayuschie-master-klass-s-poshagovymi-foto.html Here's more photo ideas: 1. 2.
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Curtain for a crib. Grab a few sheets and let's get started! The twin sheet was a lot for me, but if you do all 4 sides of a standard crib or want that extra one you might want the queen. 1. Cut 1 top panel to the size of your crib plus seam allowances. 2. Measure the length from the bottom of your mattress to the floor, and the width to each side of the crib. Add seam allowance and hem to length, then multiply your width by 1.5 for minor gathers. For a fuller look, the skirt can be multiplied by 2 or even 3. ***If you want to save some time and don't plan on moving your crib, you can simply cut the panels for the sides that will show 3. Finish 2 sides of each piece by folding over 1 /4″ and double topstitching and then bottom hem.
4. Sew the top edge of the panel onto the top panel. If you are only doing 2 or 3 panels instead of 4 you can finish the other edge(s) in the top panel with a serger or zig zag scissors. ***These were so easy that I made my Mom's crib as well. We used a blue striped two sheet for her standard crib size and it was enough to make 3 sides (I added one on the right side after taking this photo) 5. And that's it! Super easy and a great way to get a custom look for just a few dollars. And now you can hide your laundry basket under the crib and no one will ever know 1.
2. 3. 4. https://www.naptimecrafters.com/2012/09/crib-skirt-tutorial.html Another curtain. 1.
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4. 5.
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10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
16. 17. https://karat773.ru/post231741588/# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sew a bed skirt. Master Class. 1.
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10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
15. 16. 17
Categories: | ~ EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME ~/ Sides, pockets, curtains for children's bed |
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How to sew a book border into a crib?
- Prepare the fabric according to the dimensions of your bed and baste the patterns
- Fill the patterns with padding polyester and sew on a sewing machine
- Sew ties and decorative elements
Subtleties of working with different materials
What to look for when choosing a chandelier for a stretch ceiling
Most often, the filler for the sides of the crib is padding polyester or foam rubber. However, regardless of the type of filler, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules for wet processing:
- Before washing the bumpers, it is advisable to remove any serious dirt from the fabric. Folk remedies or household chemicals with enzymes can help with this, depending on your preferences.
- During preparation for washing, fasteners and decorative elements are removed from the sides. Velcro, ties, inserts, toys are washed separately so that they do not deteriorate themselves and do not damage the washing machine.
- If there is heavy contamination, it is recommended to use hot water at the maximum permissible temperature, as well as washing powder without phosphates. In principle, any hypoallergenic washing powder for children's clothes will do.
Recently, foam bumpers for cribs have been actively losing demand. This happens because foam rubber does not allow air to pass through and collects dust, which is absolutely unacceptable for use near children.
If you have sides with foam padding, we recommend regularly knocking them out, washing them and airing them outside or on the balcony. It’s gratifying that the sides with foam filling can be washed without any problems. Just put them in the washing machine and select the delicate cycle. The foam dries quite quickly.
Convenient bumper format with calm colors
For sides with padding polyester filling there are a number of more specific rules:
- Before washing the sides filled with synthetic padding, you need to carefully inspect them. They may be stitched or not. If they are stitched, then you can wash them in a washing machine, but if not, then only delicate hand washing will do, otherwise the filler will gather in lumps, which will be difficult to break.
- For hand and machine washing, you should select a temperature within 40°C degrees. As a detergent composition, it is advisable to use a gel for washing children's clothes, or, in extreme cases, powder. We do not use conditioners, fragrances, softeners and other household chemicals.
- We carry out the treatment with calm, gentle movements, not too hard. For washing it is convenient to use a brush with soft bristles. After washing, we rinse thoroughly, but if we use a washing machine, then we set an additional pass. We spin the machine at minimum speed, and don’t twist it too much by hand, just squeeze the material.
The sides dry quickly enough; they need a warm, well-ventilated room. It is even advisable to hang them on the balcony or street so that they dry faster. After drying, there is no need to iron the crib inserts; they should already look neat and clean.
Regular washing and cleaning of the sides of your baby's crib will allow you not to worry about the health of your child, and, of course, the neat appearance of clean fabric is always a pleasure.
Another interesting article on the topic of washing: How to wash leather pants.
How to sew short sides for a crib?
When following the sewing recommendations in our article, carry out the work following the patterns.
Bumper with ruffles
Practical Velcro bumper
Beautiful and original models
Cushion bumpers can be found on sale in various designs. The original design solutions of such bumpers will not leave any parent indifferent. For example, you can find original versions of models in the form of owls, houses, cats, and fairy-tale characters. Such interesting options for bumpers are easy to make with your own hands. In this case, the filler plays an important role - there should not be a lot of it, otherwise any fairy-tale character can turn into a “fat” bun.