Is it possible to repair a hole or cut in a down jacket with your own hands?

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Tears in clothes bring no joy to anyone. If you suddenly burn a cigarette or your down jacket is torn, the question immediately arises: what to do? If there was a cut on the sleeve of your favorite jacket from somewhere or a cigarette butt fell onto the collar from the neighbor’s balcony? I really don’t want to throw away good, albeit slightly damaged, clothes, and not every city has a workshop. There is only one way out - try to quietly repair the thing with your own hands. You will learn how to repair and remove a hole in a down jacket from our article.

Inspecting the clothes

Damage, as you know, can be different. With some you can cope without much difficulty, with others you will have to tinker and show a fair amount of ingenuity.

Before you fix a hole in a down jacket, carefully inspect the item and soberly assess the size of the disaster. There are gaps:

  • in the form of straight cuts;
  • in the form of cuts with a small frayed hole at the end;
  • in the form of a scorch mark with a small hole;
  • in the form of a hole with smooth or uneven edges.

A straight cut most often occurs where the tissue has simply burst. Perhaps there was a crease or fold in this place. This is the simplest case, regardless of the location of the damage. The gluing area, if you do everything carefully, will be invisible in any case.

It's much worse if you hit a nail, resulting in a “laceration” plus a relatively smooth tear. In this case, a lot depends on the location, and you will have to act in one of two ways:

  • in an inconspicuous place - sew or tape;
  • if the hole is clearly visible, you will have to disguise it.

Important! Holes with smooth and uneven edges, as well as scorch marks, can also be eliminated in two ways - patching and appliqué.

Folk remedies

If it is not possible to use aggressive chemicals for washing, then you can try using folk recipes. Sometimes improvised means are much more effective than expensive powders and gels.

A great way to wash shiny places on things is ammonia, tested by many housewives. Ammonia can be used to clean not only bolognese fabric, but also natural suede.

Dissolve 50 ml of the drug in 200 ml of warm water and use a sponge to treat the stained areas of the product. After this, all you have to do is rinse the jacket in cool water and dry it - all the shine will disappear.

Potatoes are an unusual way to quickly remove shine, but they are very effective. It is enough to rub the shiny parts with a cut of a raw potato, and then wash the item, and all the dirt will disappear.

Salt and alcohol are suitable for cleaning all types of fabric. First, the shiny areas are wiped with a cotton swab soaked generously in medical alcohol, and then a thick layer of salt is poured onto the still wet mark. After a couple of minutes, you need to brush the clothes.

Our grandmothers used glycerin in everyday life to remove stains from things. A cotton swab should be soaked in liquid glycerin, which is sold in pharmacies, and applied to all affected areas on the product. After 15 minutes, the item must be washed with soap or powder, or put in the washing machine.

Preparing materials and tools

If you are wondering how to seal a down jacket at home, prepare the necessary materials and tools. You may find it useful:

  • a piece of fabric from a down jacket;
  • a piece of fabric of the same color and similar quality;
  • a piece of fabric with an adhesive layer;
  • glue;
  • threads in the color of the fabric;
  • sewing supplies;
  • tweezers;
  • labels or stickers, buttons, short zippers.

Shiny spots after washing

It happens that even after a thorough wash, the shiny areas on the jacket are not washed off, and a greasy sheen remains. The main reason for the appearance of a greasy sheen is too high a water temperature during washing.

To remove stains that remain even after washing, you can use Vanish, but only without chlorine, or Laska Magic Color balm.

Removing stains step by step:

  1. Dilute a cap of the selected product in a large bowl of lukewarm water.
  2. Soak the product in the solution for 4 hours. It is not worth keeping the item in the product for too long.
  3. After soaking, you need to thoroughly rinse the jacket or down jacket in plenty of water, changing it several times.
  4. Wring out the item in the washing machine and hang it to dry.

If even after such processing the result turns out to be unsatisfactory, then the only way out is to take the item to the dry cleaner.

Where can I get fabric for a patch?

Before you seal the hole on the down jacket, try to remember whether there was a scrap of the same fabric in the plastic bag that is attached to the label. Unfortunately, now some manufacturers do not consider it necessary to sell their products with pieces of the same fabric, but sometimes this is still done periodically.

If there was no scrap or you cannot find it, well, you will have to get out of the situation in other ways. Choose a material that is similar in color and quality.

Important! It is not necessary to buy a whole piece - you can look at the store for kits for beginner needlewomen; they often have scraps, including some that are suitable for your purposes.

A very good option is fabric with an adhesive layer. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to match it by color, but sometimes it is possible. In this case, you won't need glue.

Important! In a completely hopeless situation, when no material at hand even comes close, you can take a small piece from the jacket itself, from an inconspicuous place (for example, cut off from the inside of a pocket).

If, after a thorough examination of the defect, you understand that it is unlikely that anything can be done about it, you will definitely be interested in our articles:

  • Rating of down jackets by quality;
  • Which down jacket style should you choose?

Rules of care

Once you have succeeded in sewing up your Bolognese jacket, you need to take proper care of it so that it lasts as long as possible. The main rule remains that before washing and other procedures you must study all the recommendations on the label. To prevent the jacket from losing its shape, it is best to wash it by hand.

Specialized detergent compositions, as well as care products for synthetics, have a gentle effect. To remove all stains, the jacket can be soaked in a pre-diluted product for 45 minutes (it all depends on the degree and nature of the dirt). The surface of the material can be rubbed with a sponge or brush, but it must not be rubbed.

To prevent the jacket's filling from bunching up into separate bundles, it cannot be washed in a washing machine. Indeed, in this case, there is a high probability that creases and folds will appear on the surface of the item, which are very difficult to eliminate. In rare cases, you can resort to the help of technology, but you need to choose a delicate mode.

After washing, do not wring out outer clothing, but allow it to drain over a bathtub or basin. For gradual drying, it is better to choose a well-ventilated room, but away from direct sunlight and electrical appliances. A small jacket can be hung on hangers, but large items based on synthetic padding are best laid out on a clean terry towel, allowing them to dry in a horizontal position.


How to repair a cut on a down jacket if you can’t sew it up? You need glue, of course, but not just any glue. PVA is completely useless in this situation. You can easily find a suitable composition. Suitable for down jacket repair:

  • rubber;
  • “Moment 88” or “Crystal”;
  • "Second";
  • acrylic.

Important! The glue must be colorless!

I set my jacket on fire with a cigarette: what to do?

In the case where the fabric is not torn, but burned, the same techniques can be used.
People who smoke often get ash and cigarette butts on their jackets. Therefore, it is especially important to know how to quickly make a jacket look neat. Depending on the size of the damage, the hole can be sewn up, sealed, and then decorated. You can sew up a hole in a down jacket by hand or by machine. A down jacket is warm and comfortable in winter. To ensure that the item lasts for a long time, it is better to purchase branded items. It is also important to know how to repair minor damage yourself. Repairing a down jacket does not require special knowledge or equipment. If the down jacket is torn, all you need is a needle, glue and a piece of matching fabric.

Repairing the cut

An even cut is the most harmless option. It can be eliminated in two ways:

  • sew up;
  • seal.

Sew up

How to sew up a hole in a down jacket? Like any other long hole with smooth edges. Can be used:

  • hand stitch;
  • Zigzag machine stitch.

Important! This option is possible if there are threads that perfectly match the color of the fabric or stitch, and the cut itself is not in the most noticeable place.

Option 1:

  1. Thread the thread through a regular needle so that one end is longer than the other.
  2. Tie a knot at the long end.
  3. Bring the needle out from the wrong side to the end of the cut.
  4. Make several cross stitches very close to each other, catching both edges of the cut.
  5. Sew up the main part of the hole with a goat seam, using small stitches, placing them almost closely.
  6. At the other end of the cut, make several cross stitches in the same way as at the beginning.
  7. Fasten the thread and hide the end under the stitches.

Option 2

If you have a sewing machine (any type), simply sew a zigzag stitch around the cut area, and bring the ends of the thread to the wrong side and fasten.

Important! If the cut appears in a visible place, but it can only be sewn up, make a symmetrical imitation on the other side.

Seal the cut

If you are deciding how to fix a cut on a down jacket, but you don’t know how to sew at all, well, you’ll have to eliminate the flaw with glue. Moreover, getting rid of an even cut is the easiest way.

Important! It is not at all necessary to look for fabric of the same color as the down jacket - you will be quite satisfied with braid, crepe or satin ribbon.

Let's start repairing the down jacket with our own hands:

  1. Cut a piece of fabric that is similar in color and quality - it should be a strip about 1 cm longer than the cut.
  2. Coat the front side of the strip with glue.
  3. Insert it into the cut and straighten it - the edges of the strip should extend beyond the ends of the hole.
  4. Align the edges of the cut.
  5. Press the parts tightly together (you can place an iron on top, but you don’t need to turn it on).

Important! It is best to insert the flap under the main layer using tweezers.

No methods help at all? Dont be upset!

Unleash your creativity with our helpful tips to get a completely new item with an interesting design. Check out the step-by-step master class on how to make a vest from a jacket at home.

Will it be possible to remove dirt with an iron?

You can remove superglue from clothes using an iron. As you know, superglue is sensitive to high temperatures and when exposed to 80°C or higher, it can melt and come off clothes on its own. How to do it:

  1. 1 Lay out the glue-stained item on a flat surface and place any clean cloth underneath it.
  2. 2 The iron must be heated to maximum temperature and placed against the place on the clothing where the adhesive was spilled, using a piece of natural cotton fabric or a handkerchief as a spacer between the iron and the material. The fabric or scarf should be plain so as not to leave traces of paint on the surface.
  3. 3 Using a hot iron, iron the area on the fabric where the glue was spilled for several seconds, periodically checking the condition of the adhesive base on the surface. When the glue begins to soften its structure, you can try to scrape it off with the blunt edge of a knife or other convenient object.

After removing the glue from the surface of the clothing, the item must be soaked in warm water with washing powder or stain remover for several minutes, and then washed in a normal washing cycle or by hand.

Hole with jagged edges

Repairing a down jacket with your own hands will take a little longer if there is a hole with uneven edges. The hole can only be repaired using a patch:

  1. Trim the uneven edges of the hole to make them even.
  2. Remove frayed threads.
  3. Remove excess fluff (the easiest way to do this is with ordinary tape - fluff sticks to it perfectly).
  4. Cut a patch that is slightly larger than the hole.
  5. Apply glue to the edges of the patch.
  6. Let the glue dry a little.
  7. Push the patch into the hole.
  8. Glue it from the inside and straighten it.
  9. Press the parts with a heavy object on top.
  10. Leave the glue to dry - this will take about six hours.

Important! Apply glue to the front side of the patch.

Corner break

There are situations when the jacket gets caught on sharp objects, which leads to rupture of the material. To repair the damage, you need to rip the lining with any sharp object.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. After turning the jacket inside out, opening the seam near the damage, you need to lay it out in front of you to make it more convenient to work.
  2. Moisten a cloth with solvent and wipe the area to be treated.
  3. Cut a patch larger than the damage by 10-15 mm on each side.
  4. Cover the patch and the edges of the tear with glue. Do not apply adhesive mass to the ends of the material.
  5. Let the first layer harden for 20 minutes.
  6. Repeat the procedure.
  7. Apply the patch to the torn area. Smooth out its edges and place a heavy object on top.
  8. After 10-15 minutes, turn the jacket back inside. Using a toothpick, apply glue along the edges of the patch.
  9. Press down with a load for a day.

All that remains is to sew up the lining from the inside.

Fabric with adhesive backing

You can answer the question of how to repair a torn down jacket at home at a craft store. They sell fabric with an adhesive base. If the edges of the hole are aligned, you can't think of anything better. There is no need to trim the edges, just cut out a patch that is larger in size than the hole, and then:

  1. Place the patch under the base layer with the adhesive layer facing up.
  2. Spread the edges of the hole so they touch.
  3. Iron the entire structure with a hot iron.

We eliminate gaps

This is perhaps the most common problem among leather jacket owners. If you get caught on a poorly driven nail, an iron fence or other sharp object, the item will be left with an unsightly cut that spoils its appearance. First you need to figure out what the gaps can be.

On a note! The most common are two cases: either a piece of skin is completely torn out, or the cut will be in the shape of a corner. Please note that recovery procedures in these situations are radically different.

To begin with, we suggest looking at step-by-step instructions on how to repair a leather jacket if it has a “corner” tear.

  • Turn the product inside out. Find a stitched seam on one of the sleeves, and then carefully open it. It is most convenient to work on a clean, flat, well-lit surface, so think in advance about where you will carry out the procedure. Lay out the jacket, and then insert your hand into the ripped hole. You need to find the gap from the wrong side.
  • Wipe the torn area thoroughly with a special solvent to remove excess fat.
  • Fold the product evenly on the table, and place a weight on the patched area. Heavy books or a can of preserved food will do. Leave the jacket in this position for a day.
  • After the required time has passed, treat the bonding line with a special cream paint for leather. This will help disguise the seam and give the surface an even color.
  • Now all you have to do is sew up the lining and enjoy the result of the work done.

Stickers and applique

How to patch a down jacket if the hole is too big? There is no other way out except to disguise it with some decorative element. The patch itself is done in any convenient way. It can be:

  • stick;
  • sew on.

Important! Since there will be decoration on top, it doesn’t matter what the patch itself looks like. The hole can be sealed in the same way as a small hole with smooth edges, and covered with a decorative element on top, but you can also make a classic patch.


First, the applique and the down jacket itself must be prepared:

  1. Choose a sticker with embroidery or applique that is suitable in shape and size - it should completely cover the hole.
  2. Prepare the hole itself too - trim the edges, cut off excess threads
  3. Baste the decorative patch along the edge using a basting stitch.
  4. Sew the element.

Design ideas

Despite the fact that stickers and chevrons can now be seen on almost any part of the body, there are still places on clothing where they will not look very good. It will become clear to everyone you meet that the sticker is not a tribute to fashion at all, but hides something. In this case, it is better to mask the holes with other elements.

In general, a “repair kit” can be assembled from anything. Look what you have:

  • Velcro;
  • eyelets;
  • reflective tape;
  • braid;
  • metal or plastic buttons.


Braid, unlike stickers, will look stylish anywhere. For example, on the floors, if one of them is damaged, you can sew two symmetrical “patches”, that is, two pieces of braid.

Important! Such stripes can be arranged crosswise or in the form of some kind of pattern - in short, there are plenty of options. The braid can be of different widths, matching the jacket or contrasting.

Reflective tape

Fashionable and very comfortable item. With its help, you can kill two birds with one stone - disguise the hole and make your clothes more compliant with safety rules in the city.

Important! You can sew it however you like - just on a hole, in different places throughout the down jacket - or even around the perimeter.

Short zipper

If you have a long hole with relatively smooth edges on the sleeve, chest or hem, you can put a short zipper to match. There may be one, but nothing prevents you from creating symmetry.

Important! There are other options - for example, pieces of fabric with buttons stuffed on them.

How to sew a lining

Many jackets use inexpensive material as lining - artificial silk, polyester, satin, satin, and less often viscose. When clothes are worn regularly, holes appear in the seam area, which over time turn into large holes.

How to repair a jacket lining:

  • turn the jacket inside out;
  • select the desired thread color;
  • thread the needle;
  • cut off the frayed part of the fabric along the edge of the hole;
  • Sew the lining by hand using a stucco stitch.

In half of the cases, holes in the lining occur in the seam area. If repairs are not done in a timely manner, they increase every day. To repair a broken seam, use a sewing machine:

  • set straight line mode;
  • adjust the stitch length (optimally 1.5 mm);
  • fold the two halves of the lining and clamp it under the machine foot;
  • sew, making a 0.5 cm long bartack at the beginning and end.

Sewing a hole with a blind stitch

The hidden seam is placed on the wrong side of the jacket. The method is good for dense fabrics used for the top of the product. There are several options for how to sew with a hidden seam; the jacket is turned inside out and the hole is mended. Or they carry out the procedure by carefully fastening the sections along the face of the product with an invisible seam, simulating a thread surface.

The hidden seam does not always look harmonious; damage can be of different shapes and sizes. For example, if you burn through the fabric, you can repair the down jacket if you have a patch without gluing.

How to seal a hole in a down jacket with a spare tire or tape

If you are not satisfied with the sticker or patch, then sew on a spare tire. This is a piece of fabric that a new down jacket has on the inside or in a bag with rivets or buttons.

If the hole on the down jacket is in a place where there is no way to stick a patch, then you can hide it with braid. Two braids sewn with a small gap from each other will look stylish; you can sew them overlapping, use different lengths, different colors, as your sense of style tells you.

We invite you to read Cleaning a washing machine with citric acid - step-by-step instructions!

A good option would be with reflective tape, which can be sewn over the hole across the entire width or around the entire down jacket. The benefit will be double - aesthetic and practical - it will be noticeable at night.

Creative approach to renovation

When a hole appears at the elbows of things, it is important to maintain symmetry and place the patch on the other sleeve. If the fabric is damaged on the back of the yoke, you can put a large patch the size of the part; in this case, gluing is not necessary, just carefully cut the fabric to size and sew it manually with a blind seam to the product. Or use a sewing machine and stitch along the face.

For children's products, an option on how to sew up a jacket would be to make patches in the form of cars, hearts, flowers or geometric shapes. Or collect knitted braid in the form of a bow, a flower, and with this voluminous composition cover the area of ​​the flaw.

Attention, TODAY only!

If a hole appears on a down jacket, burnt or cut, it can be disguised in various ways. If the option of pulling and gluing is not suitable, then Domosedka offers ways to sew up a hole in a down jacket.

Depending on the type of down jacket - children's, women's or men's - you can carefully sew up the hole and apply a themed patch over the seam.

For example, choose a children's drawing, an emblem, a label with a logo (of a sports team, a car), an applique, a picture from an anime, an embroidered pattern. Choose a suitable pattern as a patch depending on your hobbies and interests and sew it on yourself or in a workshop.

If the picture looks lonely, you can make another one with the same theme on the sleeve or pocket on the opposite side. Or apply one or two more patches in a darker or lighter tone. It is important that the patch also matches the style of the down jacket

You can beautifully sew a leather patch in the shape of a rhombus, circle, or rectangle.

You can choose a thermal sticker to suit your taste in the store and stick it at home through fabric.

Sew up carefully

First of all, you need to pay attention to the damage itself. If the hole is small, with smooth edges, it can be picked up with threads.

In order to sew up a cut or hole, it is necessary to treat the damage itself. Carefully trim any protruding threads. If the hole is caused by a cigarette, you must carefully cut off the area where the tissue was burned. For greater convenience, you can use small nail scissors.

When the edges are processed, you can proceed directly to work. To do this, we will need threads to match the product. If you couldn’t find any, you need to use a shade that best matches the color of the down jacket. The seam can be laid either from the outside or from the inside, depending on personal requirements.

In the case of an internal seam, the process is somewhat more complicated. First, we remove the damaged edges. Then, from the wrong side, carefully rip the down jacket and find the place of damage. Slightly bending the edges, sew with a small stitch. When the work is finished, we sew together the previously opened wrong side. The down jacket is repaired.

Reference! When sewing externally, you can also use a loop stitch (in the shape of the letter P), which is applied with small stitches.

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